5 Promising Benefits of Almonds for Healthier Skin
Published On 20/07/2022

Almonds have always been considered a luxurious indulgence to treat our bodies to, being a rich source of nutrients. Due to this, these nuts make for the perfect addition to any skincare regimen. What we eat generally has a considerable impact on our appearance. This is one of the reasons why dermatologists always enquire about your diet before providing advice on maintaining healthier food habits. Small steps are the way to go, such as including nutritious nuts like almonds in your daily meals. Almonds are readily available in your local markets, or you can also buy almonds online in India. With the e-commerce boom over the past decade, most Indians have easy access to some of the best almond brands in India. Here are five ways in which you can take advantage of the benefits of almonds for healthier skin:
Nourishes the Skin

Natural Exfoliator

Reduces Dark Circles and Spots

Slows Ageing
Natural Make-up Remover

Control Acne Breakouts