Every Woman Needs to Know These 5 Health Benefits of Almonds

Published On 27/06/2022

Women's health issues have risen significantly in recent decades due to factors like nutritional deficiency, climate change, and pollution. A good dietary regime is crucial to addressing these health issues. Almonds, known for their remarkable health benefits, are among the most popular nuts, especially in India. You can find premium quality almonds both locally and online in India. Almonds are highly nutritious, packed with fats, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Consuming soaked or raw almonds consistently provides numerous health benefits. In Indian households, almonds have traditionally been valued for their taste and flavour in both savoury dishes and sweets. Thus, choosing high-quality almonds for your kitchen is vital, as it impacts the health of your family. Embracing the health benefits of almonds can make a significant difference in overall well-being.  Here are five health benefits of almonds that every woman needs to know:  

Prevents Anaemia

Women are twice more prone to anaemia than men. This generally happens due to a decrease in oxygen in the blood cells. Haemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells, is rich in iron. Insufficient iron impedes your body’s ability to create red blood cells that supply oxygen-rich blood. As almonds are a rich source of copper, iron, and vitamins, they help in the increased production of haemoglobin.  Almonds minimise the chance of haemoglobin deficiency by maintaining the blood count in the body.   

Minimises Skin Issues

Women, especially teenage girls, are prone to skin issues that can affect their confidence in going about their daily lives. As almonds are a good source of fatty acids, they control acne and reduce blackheads by stopping the clogging of pores. Thus, it can be said that almonds provide a plethora of benefits for healthy skin.  Almond oil also helps in reducing rashes and nourishes the skin.    

Hair Growth And Reduced Grey Hair

In the past few decades, the surge in pollution and excessive use of chemicals in hair products has led to an increase in hair health problems. Having almonds as a part of your diet and using almond oil can significantly improve your hair growth and decrease the risk of hair fall. Almond oil also reduces grey hair and dandruff, making hair lustrous and strong. Such long-term traditional use of almonds is proven to be great for hair care.    

Good For Your Heart

Cardiac issues due to increased cholesterol have been the cause of rising health crisis in women. As almonds are a rich source of antioxidants and have a low-calorie count with great health benefits, they are always suggested as a healthy addition to your daily meals or snacks.   

Prevents Birth Defects

According to a report by CNN, the number of children born with congenital anomalies doubled during 1995-2005. It is scientifically proven that almonds can help prevent congenital disabilities due to the presence of folic acid in the nuts. Folic acid plays an integral role in the proper development of foetal cells. Women who are pregnant or planning to have a baby should make a conscious effort to include almonds in their meals, an essential part of their dietary regime.      

Decreases Stretch Marks

For women whose body confidence gets affected due to stretch marks, almond oils are miraculous. You need to heat some amount of almond oil and then apply them to your stretch marks. Ensure to leave it for at least an hour and do it twice daily to get better results. Pregnant women can also use it regularly to avoid skin tears. 

Lowers Risk Of Osteoporosis

The overall bone health of women generally decreases after the age of 30. This makes them more prone to diseases like Osteoporosis, which makes the bones weak and brittle. Eating a few raw almonds regularly or having almond milk can significantly lower the risk of developing such bone health issues. 

Helps With Pre-Menstrual Syndrome(PMS)

Eating soaked almonds regularly remarkably reduces pre-menstrual symptoms like bloating, back pain, loss of appetite and mood swings. Most of these symptoms are a result of nutrition deficiency in people who menstruate. As almonds are loaded with nutrients, making them a part of regular food habits can help immensely with PMS issues.  Presenting almonds to the loving women in your life is a love language; getting them for yourself is self-care. Clearly, a good diet plays a crucial role in maintaining good health in women.  Zantye’s premium quality almonds are perfect to help you experience the benefits of these miraculous nuts for a better and healthier life. 

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