A smooth, rich, nutty dollop of pistachio butter is all you need to enrich your bowl of oats, yoghurt, or any dessert! This creamy condiment, green and filled with flavour, is a great addition to many desserts. And to all you bakers, have you been looking for a flavour profile unique, yet diverse, for your next baking project? Pistachio butter is the nut butter of the season, and we are here to tell you why!

This nut butter might seem like a fancy and expensive ingredient. This false. You can easily make it at home and use it for your recipes. Just blitz your de-shelled pistachios and you have your jar of nutty goodness. Many recipes on the internet explain the ratios and variations depending on preference. Here is a simple, and customisable recipe:

Simple Pistachio Butter Recipe


  • 2 cups shelled pistachios (salted or unsalted, your preference)
  • 1-2 tablespoons neutral oil (like grapeseed or avocado oil)
  • Optional: Pinch of salt (if using unsalted pistachios), 1/2 teaspoon honey or maple syrup (for sweetness)


  1. Roast (optional): If you want a deeper flavor, roast the pistachios in a preheated oven at 350°F for 5-7 minutes, or until fragrant. Let them cool slightly before proceeding.
  2. Blend: Add the pistachios to a food processor or high-powered blender. Start blending on low speed, then gradually increase to high.
  3. Add Oil: As the pistachios start to break down, drizzle in the oil, 1 tablespoon at a time. The amount of oil needed will depend on the desired consistency.
  4. Blend to Smooth: Continue blending until you achieve a smooth, creamy butter. This may take several minutes,and you may need to scrape down the sides of the food processor a few times.
  5. Season (optional): If using unsalted pistachios, taste the butter and add a pinch of salt if needed. You can also add a touch of honey or maple syrup for sweetness.
  6. Store: Transfer the pistachio butter to an airtight container and store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. It may thicken when chilled but will soften at room temperature.


  • For a smoother butter, remove the skins from the pistachios after roasting. This is optional but can improve the texture.
  • If the butter is too thick, add a bit more oil and blend again.

Now that you have your key ingredient, let’s talk about the diverse ways you can use it in your baking recipes. Pistachio butter pairs beautifully with a wide range of ingredients. For anyone remotely interested in baking, this means a world of experimentation and delightful creations. We have some dessert ideas using pistachio butter for you to try!

White Chocolate

The velvety decadence of white chocolate, paired with the earthy tone of pistachios, is a delicious combination for gelatos, cookies, cheesecakes and more! The smooth texture of white chocolate blends perfectly with pistachio butter. As far as their flavours are concerned, both bring depth to the way your recipe will taste, making it irresistible.

Here are some of our favourite pistachio butter recipes paired with white chocolate!

Pistachio and white chocolate spread

Pistachio ice cream bar

White chocolate pistachio truffles


pistachio butter recipes with berries

The flavour pairing of pistachio and berries in a dessert is a delightful dance of contrasts. The berries’ sweetness accentuates that of the pistachios, while their tartness cuts through the richness of the nut butter. The robust notes of the pistachios add depth and complexity to the fruitiness. The contrasting textures – the denseness of the pistachios against the juiciness of the berries is a combination you must try in your dessert recipe. Pistachios go especially well with red berries like raspberries and strawberries, so keep this in mind when experimenting.

Here are some of our beloved pistachio butter recipes paired with berries!

Pistachio cake with raspberry filling

Strawberry pistachio Eton mess

Pistachio and berry crumble pie


Citrus Fruits

Pistachio and citrus, particularly orange and lemon, creates a vibrant and refreshing combination in desserts. The buttery pistachio provides a grounding element to the bright, zesty, and acidic citrus flavours. Using ingredients like orange blossom water, The orange brings a juicy sweetness that complements that of the pistachio, while the lemon adds a tang that cuts through the rich pistachio butter. Using this invigorating pair in your dessert ideas will make you a sweet genius for those around you!

Here are some of our favourite pistachio butter recipes paired with citrus fruits!

Orange and pistachio layer cake

Pistachio and lemon ice cream



pistachio butter recipes with matcha

Both these ingredients are distinct and beloved on their own, yet when they come together, there is a delightful burst of flavours that one must try! Matcha enhances the flavour of pistachios, while the nut butter provides a heavenly and decadent texture that prolongs the experience of its complex notes. Overall, it is a pairing that will stay with you!

Here are some of our favourite pistachio butter recipes paired with matcha!

Pistachio and matcha spread

Matcha and pistachio latte

Pistachio-matcha blondies



This might seem like an unlikely duo but stay with us! Something about this tropical and rich nutty pairing is sure to win you over. This is a great idea, especially for moist cakes and ice creams, where the subtle sweetness and creamy textures of both ingredients make them blend perfectly with each other. At the same time, their unique and distinct flavours complement and add depth to the recipe.

Here are some of our favourite pistachio butter recipes paired with coconut!

Coconut pistachio spread

Pistachio and coconut bars

Pistachio coconut cake

Zantye’s pistachio

Fruits, teas, and chocolates – pistachios pair well with them all! And a good helping of pistachio butter, with its decadent texture and subtle sweetness, is bound to elevate your dessert to a whole new level. These dessert ideas and recipes are easy to make at home and customisable. Do try them and let us know how you like them.

Shop for your organic and superior quality pistachios from us at Zantye’s!